The Ten Commandments for Little Ones
By Allia Zobel Nolan, illustrated by Janet Samuel

Publisher: Harvest House
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2545-7
32 pages
Ages: 2-5
God’s ten rules are called the Ten Commandments. Children can learn all about them in this beautifully illustrated, child-friendly book, created with simple language, colorful and appealing artwork, and Bible references, so little ones can learn these foundations of faith in an uncomplicated way. What’s more, to make it easy for your little ones to process what they’ve learned, there’s a “Dig Deeper” section at the back of the book which lets children express their feelings about the Ten Commandments, and a glossary of new words.
Editorial Reviews:
High praise for The Ten Commandments from Christian Book Review Site:
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“What I Like: Everything! Nolan does a superb job making the Ten Commandments understandable and applicable to children. This is the best picture book I’ve read on this topic, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. The illustrations by Janet Samuel are a terrific addition to the book, showing children of many ethnicities, plus Bible characters, in colorful, cute drawings.”
—Christian Children’s Book Review
“The Ten Commandments for Little Ones by Allia Zobel Nolan is a kid-friendly look at the Ten Commandments with aged-appropriate terms and explanations so children will understand how to apply them in their little lives! I like how Nolan added questions at the end of the book under the ‘Digging Deeper’ section so you can discuss with your children what they’ve learned.”
—Five Star Reviewed Books
“Allia Zobel Nolan is rapidly becoming one of my favorite children’s book authors! Her talent is a true gift from God to express Biblical teaching in a fun and easy to understand way…
“This is truly a wonderful book for children—perfect for grandparents to read to their grandchildren, for a children’s ministry, or for family time at home. The Ten Commandments for Little Ones suits so many needs and fits into just about any style of teaching.”
—A Peek at my Bookshelf
Reader Reviews:
“The Ten Commandments for Little Ones by Allia Zobel Nolan is a helpful tool to teach your little ones about God’s Ten Commandments using child-appropriate language and sweet illustrations… What a great resource to help children understand that the ten commandments aren’t just a set of rules, but a way to help us love God better and love one another.”
—Susan Choy
Excellent Book , January 30, 2010
“We love this book. It’s absolutely wonderful for teaching young children about the ten commandments. As an adoptive mom, I truly appreciate the diversity in the children illustrated. We all love the message, the easy to understand words and illustrations. A great way to teach children the 10 Commandments”
—K. Benson