Why Can’t My Brother Be More Like My Cat?


32 pages
Ages 3-7
ISBN: 97982183396183

Amazon$10.00 – Buy now
THE CURIOUS READER$10.00 – Buy now

Signed copies available from the author.
Email alliazobelnolan@gmail.com for more information.

Written by Allia Zobel Nolan
Illustrations by Lee Wildish

Winner of the 2024 Zibby Book Award for the Best Book for an Animal Lover.

So, we all know little girls love their cats. But when it comes to their brothers, they have two reactions: Either they adore them—or want to trade them in for a more refined sibling, one who’s less embarrassing, more sympatico, and well, more “cat like.”

In this fanciful, rhymed book, with can’t-stop-looking-at-it art by New York Times Bestselling Illustrator, Lee Wildish, a little girl stacks up her cat’s fine points with her brother’s and the cat always comes out ahead. Or does he?